I was quite frustrated yesterday. The weather forecast had led me to believe I could get some work done, so I eagerly started early in the morning, aiming to finish applying the last bits of filler and primer to the hull before putting on the first fresh coat of green….
Mission Accomplished
It’s rare I leave the county of Cornwall these days. Crossing the Tamar heading east raises my stress levels. So it was on Saturday, even though I was only heading to Devon. My mission was to collect seven important pieces of timber without which Sólmara couldn’t sail. They’d been stored…
Another Month Closer
All in all I can’t complain about my progress so far this year. January was strange. Stormy and wet to start, ten dry calm days in the middle, stormy and wet to finish. That ten days was a blessing. Yesterday and today I sneaked in a couple more jobs. First…
Nothin’ Much
The weather has been kind for ten days, but it’s on the change. There were showers yesterday and today, and we now have storm ‘Eowyn’ incoming. There’s more unsettled stuff in the forecast after that so it looks like I’ll be doing what I can in the shed for a…
On the Ropes
End result: a new rope rubbing strake fitted A satisfying days work. Just need to figure out how to finish off neatly on the transom.
Still Rollin’ Along
With temperatures just above freezing and a heavy dew, my expectations for work today were low. While waiting to see how things improved I nipped out to a small boatyard just up the road. I had two questions for them. One, could they tow Sólmara down to Falmouth Marina in…
Plan A hits a snag
Sólmara’s hull is painted with International Toplac ‘Norfolk Green’. I know this because there was half a tin left aboard. I also know that the hull was painted this colour some 10-12 years ago when, as ‘Little Min’, she was restored in Greece. To be honest, it’s not a colour…
You know the saying “Make hay while the sun shines”? Well, we haven’t seen much sunshine this week and I haven’t made any hay. But it’s stayed dry and I’ve got stuff done. Some of my work seems to have taken me backwards to some extent. As I said the…
At Last!
After eight consecutive days of rain and/or mizzle (a fine, misty rain frequently experienced here in Cornwall) we finally got a dry few days. Not only that, but there was even a short-lived glimpse of sunshine. I’ve been to the boat most every day since Christmas but all I’ve been…
Two Month Milestones
Funny how time plays tricks on us, isn’t it? Sometimes it crawls so slowly you’d swear the clock’s stuck in treacle, and other times it sprints off so fast you’re left wondering where it went. Then there are those moments where you lose track of it completely. That’s exactly how…